The North American Safety Contest is Now Open

The North American Safety Contest recognizes tank truck operations in North America with the best safety program and record for the year. NTTC's mission is to champion safety and success in the tank truck industry, and this award recognizes the gold standard. The contest is now open (January 3rd, 2023) and will close on February 24th, 2023.

Why apply?

The reasons to submit an application are simple - industry prestige and valuable data. The North American Safety Contest showcases the best of the best in our unique trucking segment when it comes to quantifying safety. The award's prestige is not only marketable for individual companies, but allows NTTC to gather a great deal of safety data about the state of the industry. This data is leveraged in advocacy efforts to show lawmakers and regulators that we are one of the safest segments in the trucking industry. 

What's changed?

NTTC has added enhancements that will make this year’s contest better and easier than ever. Improvements to the award system are as followed:

- Private fleets will now compete separately for Rounds 1 & 2. Grand Award Winners will now compete for a new, third trophy.
- Mileage is now determined by electric data (SMS/ELD) instead of IFTA
- Mileage categories are now evenly distributed among classes
- New contest application designed for simplicity

Looking for more information?

Check out the North American Safety Contest Informational Webinar recording now available on NTTC's website. The program gives critical updates for this year’s competition. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get the inside scoop about updated rules, deadlines, and elements of a complete application. Visit for more information and to apply today!